Bright Care for Adults

Our Adult's Care Offer

We have a proven track record in supporting adults with complex needs to live successful lives, as contributing members of their communities.

Most of the people that live into our adult care homes move in when they turn 18. They often come from their family home or a children’s home. Sometimes they have already lived in an adult supported living or residential care setting that hasn’t worked for them, or they have been discharged from hospital. Every adult we support is looking for a specialist setting, with highly trained staff, and a physical environment that is homely whilst adapted to meet their specific needs.

Our adult care homes are well resourced with specially trained staff, high quality physical environments, and reflect the personalities and interests of the people living in them.

In line with CQC’s Right Support, Right Care, Right Culture, we are committed to:


Delivering support that maximises choice, control, and independence. That enables people to grow into their adult lives with personal confidence, high self-esteem, and to realise their individual wishes and ambitions.


Delivering holistic residential care, with a safe and consistent level of support, specialist therapeutic input, and many of the personalisation benefits of supported living.


Using person-centered approaches, through which the adults’ needs, views and preferences shape the support they receive and the outcomes they achieve. We employ a dedicated Person-Centered Planning Champion that supports teams to facilitate plans for the people they support.


Maintaining our culture, and values, so that our colleagues and leaders are always listening, communicating, and learning with the people we support. Paying attention to and acting on what they are telling us.

Our Homes


For more information about our care homes please see the links below.

Bridgewell House

The Cottage


Riverside Point

Winwick Park

Woodville Place



Regency Park

Comer Wall Way


Higher Lane

Kildare Close

Wesley Hall Gardens

Daffodil Road

Lowfield Lane

Adult Testimonial

James's Story

Although everyone we support is different, they all have one thing in common, potential. The potential to achieve and have a fulfilling life. The below case study is an example of a gentleman that Bright Futures have supported since 2016.

Make A Referral

Know someone who needs our support? Click below to make an online referral.

Delivered Through STRIVE

Through the specialist STRIVE Programme we enable our care teams to facilitate the best outcomes for each individual they support, encompassing the following aspects of life:













Each person centred plan provides focus and structure. The starting point of the STRIVE plan is to get a clear understanding of what matters to the individual, and what life outcomes they want to achieve. We use person centred reviews and approaches to learn about this. We then work in partnership with others to plan for the journey ahead. Activities and bespoke targeted support are provided, allowing every individual to live their brightest future!

Get In Touch


Fill in the form below and we will be in touch to discuss your requirements further.

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