Bright Care

About Bright Care

We provide a truly tailored, person-centred approach for every one of the people we support.

Our dedicated colleagues work alongside families, multi-agency disciplines, and our internal Specialist Support Team to deliver excellent care for both adults and children. In addition we can provide intensive input as required including; Occupational Therapy focusing on sensory integration, Speech and Language Therapy, and community engagement and participation through our STRIVE Programme. Each individual care plan is dedicated to ensuring every person we support has a great quality of life and can achieve their fullest potential.

Download The Bright Futures Great Care Offer Brochure

Here at Bright Futures we are proud to offer two very distinct types of care. One designed specifically for children and the other for adults. Click on the links below to discover more.

Bright Care for

Bright Care for


Our Great Care Offer

Our Great Care Offer means that we are flexible, and can meet the complex and often changing needs of people who have a learning disability and autism

Yellow Arrow

Specialist Support & Therapies

We provide a holistic package of care, education, delivered by specialist staff. To support this aim we have an internal Specialist Support Team.

Our Specialist Support Team alongside our care homes and schools providing extra expertise when required. This can be helpful in many ways for example, when people are joining or leaving one of our settings, when they are having a difficult time, or when the staff team need extra help.

Our Specialist Support Team offer a range of input around:


Person Centred Planning (including our STRIVE Programme for adults)




Active Support


Advice and signposting around specific needs e.g., trauma informed care, attachment difficulties, mental ill-heath.


Our Specialist Support Team coordinates therapeutic and pastoral work, and the wider multi-disciplinary team when required. The Specialist Support Team Manager is responsible for ensuring that the team provides excellent support and advice to our care homes and education settings.

We also work in partnership with other healthcare professionals. We are committed to ensuring our teams are trained to excellent standards and have the skills and knowledge to support people with complex needs. Working in partnership with organisations such as Shine Therapy and Redstone PBS enables us to fulfil this commitment. This is one of the many reasons that we are a safe pair of hands when supporting people with complex needs, learning disabilities and autism.

PBS diagram

At Bright Futures we want the people we support to benefit from great care and education.

These are the outcomes from our Great Care support:

Feel safe

Have independence

Make a positive
contribution to their

Are able to
express themselves

Are happy

Have choice
and control

Are understood

Are respected

Make and keep friends

Have a
good family life


Have great

new skills

Feel valued

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