Mental Health Awareness

Mental Health Awareness

It’s Mental Health Awareness Week!

How are you? How are you really? Asking twice is just one of the ways you can show someone that you really care about the answer, and at Bright Futures we really care about the answer.

It’s Mental Health Awareness Week, and we have a number of things planned to make sure that mental health is a constant conversation here at Bright Futures. We’ll be giving colleagues time out to chat over cake and a cuppa, providing tips and information on this year’s theme of anxiety, and wearing green to raise awareness!

While awareness days, weeks, and months are fantastic at bringing a topic to the forefront, it takes consistency and innovation to build a culture that is open and committed to helping colleagues with their mental health.

Mental Health Awareness Training.

All new starters at Bright Futures receive Mental Health Awareness training as standard. This training provides information, promotes, and encourages people to talk and signposts some of the incredible help that is available through internal and external sources.

By including this training in our two-week induction our new colleagues can be assured that they are joining a caring organisation where they will be listened to and can ask for help where needed.

Further to the awareness training we also have a group of Mental Health First Aiders across the organisation. MHFAs are trained to spot the signs of people experiencing ill mental health and are given the skills to start a conversation and signpost the appropriate support.

The Importance Of Mental Health.

Our commitment is to give the people we support the best possible lives and looking after the mental health of our colleagues is an essential part of that. We will ensure that the mental health conversation is alive and that our colleagues receive the support they need.


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