We Care: GDPR Exceeded Standards Blog

An image of some coded numbers to represent data for GDPR

As a social care organisation, Bright Futures Care holds certain access to NHS patient information alongside a level of personal data about the people we support that helps us  to deliver our great care offer. We take our responsibility to protect that personal data very seriously and have a range of processes in place to safeguard against risks and keep any sensitive data safe. 

GDPR standards and guidelines mean that organisations like ourselves must provide assurances that we have the measures in place to ensure that data is kept safe and secure.  

As part of those guidelines, all health and care organisations that have access to NHS patient data and systems, must meet the requirements set out by the NHS Data Security and Protection Toolkit. 

This online self-assessment tool allows organisations to measure their performance against the National Data Guardian’s 10 data security standards:

  1. Secure handling of data
  2. Staff responsibilities
  3. Annual data security training
  4. Access control
  5. Process improvement
  6. Cyber-attack resilience
  7. Continuity planning
  8. Technology Security
  9. Cyber threat protection strategy 
  10. Accountability for IT suppliers

We’re pleased to report that having recently completed the assessment, Bright Futures achieved ‘Exceeding Standards’. This demonstrates our unwavering commitment to protecting the personal data of the people we support and practising good data security.

For us, data security isn’t just a priority — it’s our promise. The trust and safety of our community means everything to us, and we take it seriously.


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