What is Autism in Adults?

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Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can cause many different symptoms, but is characterised by a difficulty in navigating social situations. At Bright Futures Care, we offer residential housing and specialised schooling opportunities to children and adults who have been diagnosed with autism. So what is autism in adults, and how do we help people with autism develop their skills?

Autism In Adults

In many ways, autism in adults can present in a similar way to autism in children. A difficulty in communication, learning new tasks, and navigating sensory challenges can be clear in people with autism regardless of their age.

While some with autism go their whole lives without a diagnosis, learning to find their own solutions to their needs, this is sometimes not possible.

Most adults must see a psychiatrist before receiving a diagnosis of autism, after being referred by their GP. The diagnostic process can be long, but is certainly worthwhile. There are numerous methods that are commonly used to diagnose autism, but most revolve around difficulties that have been present from early childhood.

Because of this, many diagnosticians will ask questions about development from early childhood, such as your ability to speak and play. This will give an excellent idea of whether you fall into the spectrum of autism.

Your Autism Profile

As many of us know, autism spectrum disorder can come in many different forms. This is why you might be interested to find out exactly which profile you fall into. Knowing this can help those assisting you to understand exactly what your challenges might be, and thus create goals that are tailored to you.

Bright Futures Care

At Bright Futures Care, our support extends to people of every age. Our adult care services are a continuation of our successful children’s support into adult life, and aim to help those in our care achieve lifelong learning and personalised outcomes.

Our specialised teams have been trained to identify the needs of individuals with autism and develop plans around what might suit them best.

These learning plans have been designed to help people develop skills in personal and self care, positive social interactions, taking medication, maintaining home and living spaces, participating in community based activities, and taking advantage of work and personal opportunities.

Therapeutic support is on hand in every aspect of our care; we know how important appropriate therapies are for personal development. We believe that every person, regardless of the challenges they face, should be able to grow into the person that they want to be.

To find out more about our services for adults with autism, contact our friendly team today.


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