The 2023 Learning Disability Mortality Review (LeDeR) annual report was recently published. This report gives information about the lives and deaths of people with a learning disability whose deaths had been notified to LeDeR .
It appears to show signs of a reduction in health inequalities and life expectancy for people with a learning disability. However, the report asks important questions on how much of an improvement has really been made.
With this in mind Bright Futures have implemented a Health Promotion Plan for 2024 which will focus on a different topic each month. Providing excellent support begins in promoting good health care, this can be receiving vaccines, spotting symptoms and checking for illnesses, treating infections and managing pre-existing conditions.
We will be focusing on the following topics over the next 12 months;
- Constipation
- Nutrition
- Pain
- Dementia
- Oral health
- Posture and Mobility
- Foot Care
- Sexual health
- Mental health
- Health screening – women / men
- Flu
- Epilepsy