We Are An AET Partner

AET Training

When caring for people with autism and complex needs, it is important to make sure you are completely prepared. After all, this is the only way to ensure that the people you are supporting have all of their needs met. 

It is for this reason that, at Bright Futures Care, we are always striving to improve the training we are able to provide our staff members. So, to help us do this, we are proud to have become AET Training partners.

What Is AET Training?

AET Training, or Autism Education Trust Training, is an educational framework that helps carers to understand more about the needs of the people they support. Supported by the Department of Education, this training provides practical tools to help ensure those with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are assisted in their growth and progression. 

From courses tailored to the needs of young children to programmes focused on adult life, the courses designed by the Autism Education Trust offer real-world opportunities to learn more about the educational needs of people with complex conditions.

What Does It Mean To Us?

At Bright Futures Care, we provide residential and educational care to young people with ASD and special educational needs. So, it is vital that we do all that we can to develop our understanding of these areas of need. 

Having become an AET Training Partner, we are now able to share our knowledge with every staff member that we take on. So, those working in our supportive environments can truly help our young people to find success in their endeavours. 

The aim of the Autism Education Trust is simple: to help autistic children and young people to learn and thrive in all education settings. This goal is mirrored by each and every one of our care providers. That’s why we are all so excited to be able to share our newfound knowledge with our team!

Our Future

We are proud to have rolled out more than 15 AET Training courses to our care team. But we aren’t planning on stopping there! In the near future, we will be rolling out AET Training to parents and caregivers who work outside the scope of our environment. 

In doing this, we can help to expand the much-needed knowledge base that the Autism Education Trust provides. So, parents, carers, and in-house staff members alike can help the people we support to achieve all that they want to achieve.


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