What Are The Education Options For My Child With Autism?

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There is a range of education options when it comes to children with autism. There is no ‘one size fits all’ answer to what type of schooling will suit your child best. Every individual is different and will have different needs and different aims. When it comes down to it you know your child the best and as a parent or guardian, you know what is the best for your child so therefore you are best placed to make this position.

Choosing the correct environment in which to educate your child can make all the difference to their learning experience. This is why there is a multitude of education options available to ensure that every child can receive the best learning experience. The main three options are home education, specialist schooling and mainstream schooling.

Home Education

Home education is very flexible. It can range from fully structured teaching to more self-directed learning. All the education that is provided at home must be suitable for the individual child’s age and ability with additional support provided if the child requires it.

Even with home education, your child must still receive the equivalent of full-time education. However, this is very flexible as you will not have to stick to a fixed timetable or any set curriculum. You can choose a curriculum that is suitable for your child and you can include anything extra that will benefit them in the long run.

If your child has an education, health and care (EHC) plan, they will still be fully entitled to receive home education. The plan can be maintained and reviewed throughout the course of your child’s education and can be adjusted as and when needed.

If you feel as though your child may benefit from a short period of home education, they can always return to mainstream or specialist schooling after this. The decision that you make does not need to be permanent, it is fully dependent upon if this particular style of education works well for your child. This also enables you to try each option to see which works the best with your child and your family’s situation.

One important thing to remember with homeschooling is that your child will still need plenty of opportunities to spend time with other children. It may be easier for them to learn without the presence of others, but developing social skills is still a vital part of a fully rounded education that can only be learnt by spending time with others of a similar age.

Mainstream Education

Mainstream education can work for many children with autism, as stated above it is fully dependent on each individual child and their needs. When considering mainstream schooling you will need to find out if all your child’s needs will be met with this style of education and whether they have the right people to help your child if extra support is required.

When finding out if mainstream schooling is right for your child you will need to think about the environment, peer groups, staff experience with autism, curriculum, and many other important factors. One of the best ways of finding out if this type of education will suit your child is to speak to the school administrators and speak to other parents whose children already go there.

There will be plenty of information available on the support that each individual school can provide for your child. But when it comes to deciding on whether the environment and peer groups are the right fit for your child, that depends on the individual. If you decide to choose this method of education, changes can always be made further down the line.

Specialist Education

Obtaining specialist education can be a little more challenging than the other education options. To choose this route of education you will usually require a statement of special education needs or an EHC plan to access a placement.

There are different types of specialist schools that can offer different levels and types of support to your child. This is why it is important to research different schools to see which one best suits your child’s needs and how they run their curriculum.

Specialist schools will be able to provide modified environments and learning opportunities that are supported by a staff of trained professionals. These professionals can help to support your child and facilitate their education needs. Professionals can help your child progress like you never expected, so if you can it’s good to see what specialists schools are near you.

Bright Futures Care

At Bright Futures Care we offer specialist schooling that can help to support your child’s learning experience. Our team of highly trained staff will be able to provide modified learning opportunities that facilitate your child’s learning. To find out more about our Specialist education schools, get in contact with us today.


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