Creativity At Bright Futures Care

young adult completing sorting task

At Bright Futures Care, we care about making sure our residents get the best education that they can. Sometimes, this means helping them to get excited about school and academic studies, and for others, it means putting together an activity that’s a little different.

We love getting involved in creative activities, from paper mache to painting, there are hundreds of artistic options out there.

Art Therapy

Art Therapy is one of the many therapeutic options available that have been proven to offer help to those with autism. It allows patients to express their feelings and emotions in a safe environment.

Some people with autism and the complex conditions that come with it find it hard to express themselves. But creating art can help to make expressing these feelings easier.

Art therapy can come in many styles, but they all revolve around one theme: to help people find new ways to share their feelings in a productive way. At Bright Futures Care, we know just how important therapies can be when it comes to offering well-rounded care. That’s why art therapy is just one of many therapeutic options we offer.

Creativity At Bright Futures Care

At Bright Futures, we’re always on the lookout for new and exciting activities for our residents. And to date, we’ve set up some interesting afternoons of fun. From creating paper mache dinosaurs to beautiful glass flowers, there have truly been some incredible designs.

Alongside the fun and adventure of thinking up their own designs, these creative endeavours have also given our residents the chance to connect with their peers over a shared interest.

We have long found that the best way of helping those in our care to thrive is to give them the opportunity to share with peers. Be it communication or a painting, there is always something that can be learned from a little bit of teamwork.

Bright Futures Care

At Bright Futures Care, we provide schooling and residential care for people with autism and complex learning disabilities. We believe in providing schooling and activities that our residents can thrive in whichever way they want. 

Because of that belief, we encompass many different kinds of learning within our curriculum. And the results truly do speak for themselves.

To find out a little more about what we do at Bright Futures Care, get in touch with our friendly team or check out our website. We look forward to sharing our knowledge and experiences with you.


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