Health Promotion Plan 2024

Health Promotion 2024

The 2023 Learning Disability Mortality Review (LeDeR) annual report was recently published. This report gives information about the lives and deaths of people with a learning disability whose deaths had been notified to LeDeR .

It appears to show signs of a reduction in health inequalities and life expectancy for people with a learning disability. However, the report asks important questions on how much of an improvement has really been made.

With this in mind Bright Futures have implemented a Health Promotion Plan for 2024 which will focus on a different topic each month. Providing excellent support begins in promoting good health care, this can be receiving vaccines, spotting symptoms and checking for illnesses, treating infections and managing pre-existing conditions.

We will be focusing on the following topics over the next 12 months;

  • Constipation
  • Nutrition
  • Pain
  • Dementia
  • Oral health
  • Posture and Mobility
  • Foot Care
  • Sexual health
  • Mental health
  • Health screening – women / men
  • Flu
  • Epilepsy


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